Naturopathy services

Where nature meets wellness


Naturopathy is a system of medicine that restores health by removing obstacles to feeling better and supporting the body's own healing processes by addressing the cause of illness, not just the symptoms

Naturopathy combines the latest in scientific research and evidence-based medicine with traditional wisdom and natural healing practices to help you to discover pathways to heal your body naturally.

Our offerings


Getting started

Initial Consultation, health coaching session & Follow up



The initial assessment will take 90 minutes. In this session we will review the Nutritional Assessment Questionnaire and attain complete understanding of your nutritional situation. We will consider your health history, blood type, exercise habits, current supplementation and medication as well as your bowel habits, stress levels and eating habits. One week later our Health coach Janice D’Aloia will meet with you via zoom to review your protocol and answer any questions you may have. Four weeks later Dr. Michelle will review the protocol and strategy for your unique health concerns in a 60 minute follow up appointment. This package is for those who do not have severe chronic health conditions.


Premier Wellness Program



This program includes the above Initial Intake Appointment

(5) 60 minute follow up appointments, one per month with Dr Michelle

(2) 60 minute health coaching session with Janice D’Aloia

Concierge support via text and phone between appointments to ensure you have the highest possible success on the program


optimal wellness program



.This program includes the above Initial Intake Appointment

(11) 60 minute follow-up appointments, one per month.

(4) 60 minute health coaching session with Janice D’Aloia

Concierge support via text and phone between appointments to ensure you have the highest possible success on the program

Food Sensitivity Testing with analysis and protocol

Micronutrient Testing with analysis and protocol

“When you wake up, you should feel excited and full of energy for the coming day…

Anything less indicates that the body is missing something that it desperately needs.”